Double or Triple glazing for bifold doors?

This article will outline the points of double and triple glazing to help you decide whether triple or double glazing is suitable for your bifold doors. There are several factors that would impact which glazing choice for bifold doors, such as the location of the residence as well as the location of the doors within the home. One of the factors that are to be considered during the selection of the glass and glazing is the thermal and acoustic performance. The choice of double door glazing will contribute to the overall thermal efficiency of the room. The British Building Regulations minimum Uw value for bifold doors Is 1.6w/m2k The acoustic performance of the glass will rely on the location of the property and how important noise regulation is to the particular project. Triple glazing provides better sound insulation in comparison to double glazing. Triple glazing is a better insulator for outside noise and is recommended if you live near a busy road or industrial area. It is essential...